Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Roach Chow or Growth Booster

Roach Chow

Roach chow or insect growth booster contain a lot of ingredients in a pre-made, retail roach chow. To invest in bulk quantities of many ingredients is not economical or practical for a person like me, a smaller scale breeder/seller. I chose 3 ingredients, which work well as chow or bedding food for my feeder species, with the least cost per 50# pound: wheat bran, soybean meal, oatmeal.

May, 2021:  The current cost of my  "3+ Roach Chow" is $1.29 per pound, not including electricity if sterilized or stored in a deep freezer, or time spent to purchase, grind and mix, or the price of gallon freezer bags, which can be reused, and hold approximately two pounds.  

Recipe:  4 cups wheat bran, 1 cup soybean meal, 1 cup coarse ground oatmeal

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